Calisthenics full body

grupp klass

This is a challenging workout where we focus on Calisthenics and bodyweight training. We train with the body as a counterweight in exercises such as pull ups, dips, handstands, push ups and explosive and static movements.

The session begins with a warm-up and then with a training session with nine exercises, similar to a circle session. The exercises are progressive and adapted to your individual level.

  • Discover new exercises
  • Strength and coordination
  • Train endurance
  • See schedule for day and time

Tisdag kl. 17.30, Onsdag kl. 11.45, Torsdag kl. 18.30, Söndag kl. 11.00

60 minute group classes

Level: fits all levels

Become member

Build strength, develop your mobility and learn skills with group classes in Calisthenics. Become injury-free and able to do exercises you thought were impossible.