A Muscle-Up program for you who aim high
Muscle-Up Mastery by Trainics is a 12 week Muscle-up program focusing on technique, explosive exercises and endurance. Skip the mistakes and learn exercises that help you progress faster. A Crash-Course in learning muscle-ups.
12 week program
Video Instructions
Bodyweight Strength
Avaliable online

This is Muscle-Up Mastery
Workout Programs - This is a training program focusing on the muscle-up. You will go through two 60 minutes workouts per week with carefully selected push and pull exercises that build strength, mobility and technique. Perfect if you want to learn your first muscle-up or get better technique.
The plan - For 12 weeks you train the muscle-up program for 2 days per week. The program is split into three phases with progressions that increase gradually. Combine Muscle-Up Mastery with your regular training.
Why Muscle-Up Mastery?
Strict muscle-ups is an exercises that many want to learn but tends to be more difficult that you might expect at first. Many get stuck due to lacking technique and methods and because your too anxious to learn the move right away. Which usually leads to poor form, like the Chicken-Wing Muscle-Up. The problem is that bad form muscle-ups will develop bad form muscle-ups. There are better ways to learn strict muscle-ups. In this program we work with progressions that focus on building strength and technique for all parts of the muscle-up. We practice explosiveness, the transition, timing and fundamental conditioning exercises.
What equipment do I need?

Pull-up bar
A pull-up bar with room above where you can hold a dip position with straight arms.

A solid dipbar or p-bars to perform dips and other exercises.

Roman Rings
Adjustable roman rings to attach to a pull-up bar or roof.

A solid box at about hip height (50 cm) to stand on.

Resistance Bands
Long resistance bands in various resistance.
Adjust to your level
Two levels - The exercises has two progressions where needed. Choose the level for each exercises that match your level. Advance in the exercises as you get stronger.
Your current level - To get the most out of the muscle-up program you should be able to perform about ten pull-ups in a row and ten dips either with our without resistance band. You can repeat each phase of the program until you're able to perform all exercises (at least four weeks) before moving on to the next phase. Work with the program based on your current level.

What's Included?
- 12 weeks muscle-up program designed to build strength, mobility and technique to learn muscle-ups. 60 minutes per workout program.
- Access to program online by loggin in to the website. Can also be added as a Web App via Safari web browser for IOs or Chrome for Android.
- Video instructions to all exercises to simply understand how each exercises should be performed. The exercises has two levels to choose between.
- 2 workouts per week with focus on push and pull exercises that take you one step closer to learning your first muscle-up and improving your technique.
Muscle-Up Mastery
399 SEK-
12 Week Muscle-Up Program
Video Instructions
In-Depth Technique Guide
Access online
Are you one of those people that scroll to the bottom? Then i'm going to quickly summarize the Muscle-Up Mastery program. It's a 12 week program with carefully selected exercises to help you learn the muscle-up. Are you ready to start and got the will to learn muscle-ups, don't wait, start today!
For only 399 SEK you get access to the program online with warm-ups, video instructions, exercises with two progressions (levels), Web App and tests for each phase of the program.
Questions & answers
Do I get instant access to the program?
Yes, you get instant access to your program online via the log in page. You get an e-mail with the information you entered during checkout and instructions how to log in. here. Så länge du har wifi, 3G eller 4G uppkoppling kan du nå programmet.
How many workouts per week?
Muscle-Up Mastery contains two workouts per week with full focus on exercises for the muscle-up, The idea is that you can use the program as a compliment to your current training. No matter what sort of training or sport you're currently training you can easily add these muscle-up workouts to your training week.
Whats the level?
The program is designed with exercises at two levels (progressions) to adapt to your level. Choose the level (progression) that works for you in each exercise. For level 1 you should be able to perform about 10 assisted pull-ups and 10 assisted dips. For level 2 you should be able to perform about 10 pull-ups and 10 dips without help.
What equipment do I need?
To perform all exercises in the Muscle-Up Mastery program you need a solid pull up bar with at least 50 cm headspace, dip bars, roman rings, a box (about 50 cm high) or similar, resistance bands in various strengths and an open space to workout at.
Can I combine this with my training?
Yes! Since the program is performed twice a week with primary focus on the upper body it works very well to combine with your current training. We recommend training outside of the Muscle-Up Mastery program to develop even faster.
However, make sure you're getting rest days each week so that the body can recover. To get the most out of the workouts as possible we don't recommend you doing another push program or workouts the day before a push workout in the Muscle-Up Mastery program and the same for the pull workout. Vary all of your weeks workouts so that you have energy to perform all exercises in the muscle-up program as good as possible.